The Free Bonuses expire when the timer hits zero
I am living proof that you can start a business from scratch, create aproduct and sell it online - no matter your level of expertise.If you really want to it can be done …..but you must knowhow...Dreaming and hoping won't cut it.
What you need is a proven and tested methodology to avoidpitfalls...especially if you’re starting out with doing anything “online”.I made several mistakes along the way and invested thousands. Andnow I want to do my part in helping you avoid them and achieve evengreater results from the start.
It may not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility
Introducing …
A 4-Day workshop session helping you start your profitable business even if you’ve never sold anything online before
Here’s what you will learn when you enroll in the 4 Days to Launch Workshop
Here is how professional content creators and service providers gain a leg up on the competition that you most likely don't know about.
How to get interested buyers, people in your target audience, and also those ready to buy what you have to sell right now for free
The real secret to monetizing your audience and launching your product almost everyone gets wrong. This often overlooked idea will certainly get you in the faces of those red hot prospects.
On Day 4 we find out what you should do instead to make sure you have a smooth launch and one that is stress free.
Here is a sneaky little trick you can use immediately to get more clarity about who your ideal customer is.
Here is a sneaky little trick you can use to get your first customer without paying for expensive advertising and spending your entire life on the internet.
You will discover 7 deceptively simple ways to outline your program and get clear on what are the best lessons, templates and bonuses that would serve them (without guessing)
Here is a dead simple way to launch your idea into the world that no one talks about. It's so easy a child could do it.
No more guesswork! You’ll get instant access to my top-secret product validation formula that will help you instantly determine whether your course will sell!
Day 1: Launch product Development
Simple but effective product outline that cuts the unwanted fluff and get you to focus on who you product is really for
How to name your offer so clearly your grandma understands what it is
Our proven formulas to establishing what you launch price will be and make it an incredible steal your customers won’t be able to pass on
Day 2: Launch Methodology
The tried and true methods we use to determine your launch style
All your marketing copy written out and ready to publish
A high-converting Lead magnet template you can use to immediately collecting email addresses
Day 3: Delivery Infrastructure
A simple system to make delivering your program not only easier but way cheaper
How to setup and design your salespage and create an attractive payment page (even if you have no design experience)
Day 4: Launch
Quick and inexpensive methods to get your product to a starving audience quickly
Step-by-step marketing needed to make your product launch a success
Proven system to gain instant market feedback to improve your program even further
I’m Carl Gray and I’ve been an entrepreneur for 11 years. I’ve successfully built businesses across several industries from Photography to becoming one of the top and most sorted after Ethical Hacking and Cyber Assurance experts in the USA with high end 6 & 7 figure clients (and even our own government).
I’ve been through the mud and worked through it all...
and now want to give back so you don’t have to..
My one and only goal will be to work with you and strategize a system that can take your business to the next level with insane profits.
The unfortunate reality is that for years being successful in business has been viewed as a HUGE mountain to climb. Of all the businesses that are started every year, a very small percentage of experience any type of profit in the first year. We get bogged down in the conventional wisdom of thinking that we need to have all of these things in place BEFORE we launch a business.
LLC or Corporation
Business Plan
Marketing Strategy
Exit Strategy
Business Accounts
Elevator Pitch
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Instagram profile
Facebook Page
Online Ads
Customer Avatars
Payment Gateway
Sales Teams
Client Avatars
Business Cards
BEFORE YOU MAKE A SINGLE DIME! THAT’S what we like to call a false barrier to entry. It’s meant to keep you as a “hobbyist” and prevent you from becoming the prosperous businessman or woman that you deserve to be!
THIS is how we define Launching a business:
Good to Great Product offer
Profitable Price
Identified Customers/Market
Sales method
THAT’S IT!!! …Everything else can, and will come later
Now, If you would rather spend weeks and months planning before making any money; that’s completely your choice. This program isn’t for you.
BUT if you want to
Leverage your current relationships to get a quick infusion of cash into your business
Use the methods that Groupon and Kickstarter use without giving up high percentages of revenue
Create genuine “Word of mouth” buzz about your budding business?
Start off with up to $3,000 or more in receivables without spending a dime on marketing?
Start to take control of your income and see a bright future in your OWN business!
Physical Trainers
Event Planners
Financial Planners
Ethical hackers
Personal and Event Chefs
Virtual Assistants
Closet Organizers
Car Detailers
HR specialists
Independent Contractors
Housekeeping services
Fashion Consultants
1-on-1 Post Implementation Session
30 Minute 1-on-1 session
Analyze your current results
Make necessary adjustments to your campaign to maximize response
Answer any questions you may have
And you’ll be ready to rake in profits immediately!
Let’s talk numbers. If you sold:
100 products at $10 = $1,000
50 products at $50 = $2,500
10 products at $500 = $5,000
Please pay very close attention to these select facts
The world is ever competitive with more people now seeking work remotely.
2020 was the year with the highest number of new registered businesses
which means there is plenty of competition springing up.
What this means is that It’s no longer enough to be good, average, “qualified” or just
first to the market.
And while it may seem discouraging - it doesn’t have to be if you know what you’re doing.There is just so much opportunity and untapped potential ready to learn and have theirlives changed by you.
If you have a proven plan, system and methodology to create your “product”, validate it and get customers (money in the bank) - you’re well on your way and it’s yours for the picking. Just like I did, I know you’re fed up and want way better - and would like to show you how.Once again securing you and your family’s future is your responsibility - and no one else’s! Agencies, employers and even politicians may not care about you as much as you believe they do - and you need to take back your power you must do something.Something that prevents you from being vulnerable once things hit the fan again….because it WILL happen againSomething that quietly put cash in the bank even while you sleep.
When you enroll in Simple Business Accelerator, you will also receive the following bonuses
45 Minute Implementation Call
In order to ensure you’re on the right track or to correct any unforeseen mistakes you may be making that’s keeping you stuck,
I've opened up a few slots on my calendar for a 30 - 45 minute implementation call to further help you succeed.
This will become available after the sessions have been completed.
This alone may be worth more than the price of the entire program as companies routinely pay me $500/hr for my services.
Here are what some of our past customers had say
It’s important you make the right decision by investing in this program and tobe sure you make the most of your investment, here’s who our sessions best serve
Here's Why This Is A Great Product For You:
Not for lazy get rich quick quick hopefuls
Not for franchisees that are not able to set their prices
Not for people or businesses who are reliant on outside funding
Not for MLMs that cannot adjust their price and/or service offerings
You don't have to rely on social media advertising
And lastly this program does require you to do the work. Yes I may have the process, templates and action plans broken down, however you must do them to get the results you want.
Want to go into business or get started but don't really know how to make it work
Freelancers who want to quickly grow their business
If you’ve been sitting on an interesting product idea for a while but always seem to be putting it off - because you’re too busy or scared it won’t work
If you already have a business but want to launch a new product, or relaunch to a new audience
MLMs who want to add a supplemental product & extra stream of income to their business
This program has been tested & rolled out to private students... and it’s the first time we’re offering it to the public.
Therefore you get to take advantage of a unique early bird opportunity to launch your dream business live with my help a heavily discounted price of $497 or three payments of $200.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Each class is a 60-90 minute group session. We also recommend that you set aside another hour per day for ‘homework’ assignments
While our session lasts 4 days, you will be expected to implement and monitor the campaign fully for 4 - 6 weeks to fully see results.
You can expect to see results within weeks or even days of launching. As people see your offer, they will begin to respond.
The Ethical hacking program only focuses on how to become an ethical hacker. This program is meant to turn your talent, skill, or hobby into a business.
If you KNOW that you are good at something that you believe that you can sell, this is for you! If you aren't sure, feel free to reach out and schedule a 1 on 1 consultation.
Do you have a business idea? A hobby that you've been wanting to turn into a business? Then YES this is for you. If you're not sure, email [email protected] and we can schedule a consultation to see if this is a fit for you.
That would be another three months of suffering, uncertainty and hoping things will magically turn around… Right at this moment there are people all over the world who are in your position really wanting to follow their dreams and start their new product based business. They may be scared...but still pushed through to do it anyway….and went on to achieve massive success. That could be you. You could be the next one launching an awesome business helping others with your unique gift. You deserve to succeed if you’re willing to do the work and I want to help you…. so take out your credit card now to join this class today…
@2021 Prototype Consultant Group LLC. All rights reserved.